How much was your last expense? You could be missing out on several financial benefits if you don't track your expenses. While logging all your transactions or expenses every day may seem like a lot of work, it comes with various benefits that can significantly impact your financial health. Here are some of the many ways you will gain from tracking your expenses. It Helps You Maintain Financial Control Having financial control over your personal finances is imperative.
25 October 2022
If you want to buy a rental property or two so you can diversify your portfolio, gain some additional income and spread your risk accordingly, you will want to make sure that you get maximum value from your investment. You will want to engage the services of a property management company to look after the day-to-day running and tenant selection and you will certainly want to maximise your occupancy rates as much as possible.
25 September 2018
If you want to plan your finances properly, then a financial adviser may be just what you need. A financial adviser is an individual that provides financial advice to clients based on their current financial situation. Terms synonymous with the title include financial planner, wealth manager, money manager and retirement planner. Although people in simple financial situations or those with sound investment knowledge may not feel the need for an adviser, the following are a few benefits of engaging a financial adviser.
26 June 2018
To most people, accountants are people who come in handy when they have taxes to file. However, tax matters represent only a small segment of the accounting profession. Accountants are a critical component of any organization that uses money. By definition, an accountant is a person that measures, discloses and provides assurance of financial information to help investors, tax authorities or managers make sound financial decisions. They help in planning, allocating and accounting for the organization's financial resources.
25 June 2018
Press coverage of major cyber attacks may mainly focus on the effects on big businesses; however, these attacks don't always just target major corporations. In fact, small businesses may feel the effects of cyber attacks far more keenly than larger ones—it is estimated that six out of ten small businesses close down after suffering from a cyber attack. Given that cyber security is now such a big deal, small business owners may be considering whether to add cyber liability protection to their business insurance cover.
25 May 2018